How to make Kit’s Reporter Set

Posted on May 19 2015 – 10:25pm
by Rudy


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How to make Kit's Reporter Set

How to make Kit’s Reporter Set

Our Kit received a surprise present for her birthday!  A replica of her Reporter Set!  It’s not an exact match, but our Kit loves it and it’s very special to her.  It took me a couple of trial runs to get the camera to where I was happy with it.  Now that I am done, I have to admit that I LOVE it!  I hope you enjoy this project as much as I did.  The best part is now I’m done and we have another special piece to add to our collection!

I want to give a BIG shout out to a few of my Facebook Doll Friends.  They took up close pictures of Kit’s Reporter Set so I could see details of the camera, film, etc.  That really helped me complete this project.

Also, the printables I made for this craft are not identical to Kit’s, but they are close enough to reflect hers.  For the newspaper, regular printer paper will be fine to use.  However, for the pictures and Kodak film box printables, be sure to load card stock.  You don’t want them to be flimsy!

kit's reporter set

How to make Kit's Reporter Set

Materials Needed:


  1. Kit’s Reporter Set Printables
  2. Kit’s Newspaper Front
  3. Kit’s Newspaper Back *You might want to use a glue stick and put the front and back together.  Or you print front and back on one paper.


  1. Mini Popsicle Sticks
  2. Black Ribbon or elastic
  3. Craft Paint
  4. Wood Glue
  5. Hot Glue
  6. Fasteners (press studs)Variety Sizes or Buttons *If you are trying to use only what you have on hand, see if you have any old pants/clothes that you can use the fasteners from! Otherwise, Hobby Lobby has them and I’m sure other craft stores.
  7. Square Jewelry Beads or buttons


  1. Light Blue & Yellow Felt
  2. Needle & Thread
  3. Red Ribbon
  4. Velcro (Optional)


Kit related posts:

Kit’s Chicken Keeping Set

Kit’s Tree House

Kit’s Chicken Coop


Watch & Subscribe!  Give our Birthday Present a THUMBS UP too!

Kit's Reporter Set

Kit's Reporter Set


***Important***Please do not post, upload or sell these printables.  These printables are property of and are offered here for FREE.  If you want to share these printables with a Facebook group, website, blog, or friend, you can simply link back to this post.  Thank you.

How to make Kit’s Reporter Set was last modified: March 21st, 2017 by Rudy

12 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Kaitlyn
    February 27, 2016 at 11:33 am –

    My Kit will LOVE this craft! Thanks Rudy!

    • Rudy
      February 28, 2016 at 8:21 am –

      We love to hear that!

  2. Jessica
    December 24, 2015 at 2:40 pm –

    My sister has this set and it your craft is just like the real one! How crafty! I don’t have the supplies for the camera and pouch, but I think I’ll make the rest as a Christmas gift for some friends.

  3. Jacqueline
    June 27, 2015 at 1:35 pm –

    I already made my list of supplies. Want to try this next week.

  4. janae
    May 20, 2015 at 6:51 am –

    You make the best crafts! I love your blog! Cute, cute!!

    • Rudy
      May 20, 2015 at 8:40 pm –

      Thank you thank you thank you!

  5. sharon
    May 20, 2015 at 6:16 am –

    My favorite part is how the stacked square buttons take the look of the accordion part of Kit’s camera! You are so creative!

    • Rudy
      May 20, 2015 at 8:40 pm –

      Isn’t that adorable?! I stood in the bead isle at Michael’s for what seemed like forever trying to decide between which bead to use!!!