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Do You Know About How Tall are American Girl Dolls?


Pleasant Rowland, a retired teacher in 1986, started the  Pleasant Company and launched the first line of  American Girl Dolls. Firstly, the company launched three 18-inch(46 cm) dolls namely Samantha (1904), Kristen (1854), and Molly (1944) all in white . After  seven years in 1993, Addy(1864) was introduced as a doll of color. The company turned into a brand including stores with cafeteria, books, magazine, doll hospital and have valuable social media presence. You may guess the level of popularity that the company won the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Award eight times. Pleasant company launched a number of dolls till the start, as every doll represents the different story of the individual and leaves a memorable impact. 

Every American Girl Doll has different physical features to grab the attention of the observer. Most children fall in love with dolls at first sight just due to the doll’s beauty. Just imagine the beauty of the beloved one as Kaya has black straight hair with dark brown eyes, Kristen has dark blonde hair with light blue eyes. It may attract you even if it’s just an imagination.

Do you know How Tall American Girl Dolls are?

To answer this question, here is the list of all American Girl Doll Names with height that were ever made by Pleasant Company(1986).  

Sr. NoNameHeightReleased YearMini Doll Height
2Felicity Merriman18″19916.5″
3Elizabeth Cole18″2005
4Caroline Abbott18″20126.5″
5Josefina Montoya18″19976.5″
6Marie-Grace Gardner18″2011
7Cécile Rey18″20116″
8Kirsten Larson18″19866.5″
9Addy Walker18″19936.5″
10Samantha Parkington18″19866.5″
11Nellie O’Malley18″20046.5″
12Rebecca Rubin18″20096.5″
13Claudie Wells18″2022
14Kit Kittredge18″2000
15Ruthie Smithens18″20086″
16Nanea Mitchell18″20176.5″
17Molly McIntire18″19866.5″
18Emily Bennett18″20066.5″
19Maryellen Larkin18″20156.5″
20Melody Ellison18″20166.5″
21Julie Albright18″20076.5″
22Ivy Ling18″20076.5″
23Courtney Moore18″20206″
24Isabel Hoffman18″2023
25Nicki Hoffman18″2023
26Tenney Grant18″20176″
27Logan Everett18″2017
28Z Yang18″2017
29Evette Peeters18″2021
30Maritza Ochoa18″2021
31Makena Williams18″2021
32Lindsey Bergman18″2001
33Kailey Hopkins18″2003
34Marisol Luna18″2004
35Jess McConnell18″2006
36Nicki Fleming18″2006
37Mia St. Clair18″2008
38Chrissa Maxwell18″2009
39Sonali Matthews18″2009
40Gwen Thompson18″2009
41Lanie Holland18″2010
42Kanani Akina18″2011
43McKenna Brooks18″2012
44Saige Copeland18″20136″
45Isabelle Palmer18″20146″
46Grace Thomas18″2015
47Lea Clark18″20166″
48Gabriela McBride18″20176″
49Luciana Vega18″20186.5″
50Blaire Wilson18″2021
51Joss Kendrick18″2020
52Kira Bailey18″2021
53Corinne Tan18″2022
54Gwynn Tan14.5″2022
55Kavi Sharma18″2023

From the above list it is clear, dolls are launched in different sizes but the company is famous due to its 18-inch dolls.


Why are Girl Dolls Important?

Parents don’t have much time to spend with their kids due to busy lifestyles so children’s are growing with technology. No one can deny the importance of history, culture and moral values of an individual, being a part of community. Child’s time with dolls is not only with a toy, but with the historical character of the real world.


  • American Girl Dolls are beneficial for children, with these dolls childs not just play but develop social skills, self confidence, communication skill, role play and problem solving techniques.
  • Children get motivation from their stories and learn to think outside the box. 
  • Being sensitive creatures, adult girls like to collect dolls for their doll houses, to spend spare time to remember childhood memories.
  • Inspirational stories from the real world leave a long term memorable sketch and give confidence to young girls.

Company launches girl dolls with their real stories every year, recently Kavi Sharma, first south Asian girl, who loves singing launched as doll of the year 2023. Company aims to teach important lessons about American history, culture, and the role of women to empower girls. 


American Girl launches doll series with different sizes according to the age of children’s. So when you are going to buy a doll, you just not buy a toy but a whole lifestyle. You must consider different aspects of the doll such as life history, age, moral values, culture, height and physical appearance. The doll’s weight or size must be proportional to the age of the children. Standard sizes for american girl dolls is 18-inches anyhow these are also available in 6″ or 6.5″ as mentioned in above list. Feel free to share your dolls collection, and let us know how tall American girl dolls you have.
