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About This Project:

We love the American Girl pets, and think that the magnetic toys are really cute! We found this little dog, at a local thrift store, and decided he would be a nice friend for our American Girl collection. We tried to use magnets, like the AG pets, but the magnets weren’t strong enough to hold our toys.

So, we used hook & loop tape instead. We glued the Loop tape to the dog’s mouth. Then we made a felt bone and a felt braided dog toy – and we glued the Hook Tape to the toys. The Dog can hold the toys in its mouth! We also made a dog bed, out of felt covered cardboard, a tube of fabric (filled with stuffing), and a piece of ribbon. This project requires adult supervision, as we used a glue gun to complete most of this project.

(I am submitting this post on behalf of my Granddaughters: Madison, Emily & Alyssa – who are not yet 18 year old)

Brag By: Darlene Dickinson (aka Uniqua BeSweet)