American Girl Doll Maryellen’s Fridge & TV Dinners

Posted on Aug 28 2016 – 5:39pm
by Rudy



American Girl Doll Maryellen’s Fridge & TV Dinners

We have had a very busy past week with school finally starting and having a soccer tournament the weekend before and the weekend after. We are tired to say the least and we are trying to catch up on all the new releases! They are exciting and we have been waiting for this retro fridge to come out all year! This is one of the pieces I was most excited about so it had to be the first piece I opened for review. Just like all sets, there are pros and cons.

American Girl started so well with this set making the body all metal, but then skidded to a halt when they put eggs in the door that don’t come out. At least include a few that can come out and be put on the counter for baking. I guess this is where the Our Generation baking set will come in handy. The TV Dinners are great, but they also cannot be removed from the trays. If you have a collection of Etsy doll food, you will not be impressed with the ham or veggies. They look very toy like which is fine unless you are used to hand made clay food.  Some people prefer their doll food to be more realistic.

I think we should craft a set of our own TV Dinners. What do you think?

Fridge Includes:

  • 3 TV Dinners with Boxes
  • 2 TV Dinner Trays with Stand
  • 2 Milk Bottles
  • 4 Orange Soda Bottles
  • 4 Condiment Jars
  • 4 Sticks of Butter
  • 1 Ice Tray
  • 1 Popsicle Box with Popsicle
  • 1 Casserole Dish with Mixed Veggies
  • 1 Ham
  • 1 Jello Cake
  • 1 Metal Fridge

Watch and tell us if this will be added to your collection or if you want to craft it!

American Girl Doll Maryellen’s Fridge & TV Dinners was last modified: March 21st, 2017 by Rudy

23 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. maria
    September 23, 2016 at 11:02 am –

    give a way!!

  2. maria
    September 23, 2016 at 10:54 am –

    I want it! craft kichen stuff, too.

  3. Olivia H.
    September 10, 2016 at 1:34 pm –

    OHH! that would go great with the new kitchen set! OHH! and even better idea just came in my head! You can put masking tape on the butter to make it look like it’s wrapped up!

  4. Kate
    September 8, 2016 at 7:45 am –

    can you PLEASE make the TV dinners if you can!!!!! and DIY me at Katecrafter thanks


  5. ghena_hh
    September 6, 2016 at 4:37 am –

    ya please craft the items ( food )

  6. Linda Burris
    September 1, 2016 at 12:39 pm –

    I have a pink metal refrigerator for my dolls, just like the one I had as a child in the fifties. I need food to go in it, so, I would love any

    thing and everything that you can show us how to craft.

  7. AG fan
    August 30, 2016 at 3:54 pm –

    Please craft it.

  8. Linda G
    August 29, 2016 at 4:43 pm –

    They have really nailed some of these pieces! Having lived through the 50’s, I agree with Carol, we don’t want the metal ice cube trays back. The Pryex casserole, Jello mold, and TV trays are great. Loved the “glass” looking milk and soda bottles. Milk was delivered to the door, put in an insulated box if you weren’t home. On a cold Minnesota winter day, the milk would freeze and push right out of the neck of the bottle!

    Please craft the TV dinners. My daughter was quite impressed when her girls came home with your Lunchables!

  9. The Doll Nook
    August 29, 2016 at 3:21 pm –

    Craft it all! I absolutely love everything about this set!

  10. Carol Guther
    August 29, 2016 at 2:25 pm –

    In the 50s the ice cube trays were like that – but what you don’t know is that they were a dog to open up. Once frozen that lever was almost impossible to pry up and you fingers stuck to the frost on them. Then once you did crack the ice so it would be loose – it was hard to get the divide part out (with piece with the handle).

    This is wonderful for nostalgia – but I really wouldn’t want them brought back in real life. Was so happy with the plastic ones we have today.

    I had a hard time getting teh TV Dinners open as well – I am leaving the dinner trays out of the boxes and putting them in the produce drawer. So we “pretend” that the TV dinners are in their box.

    Would love to see what you come up with in making TV diners!

  11. Esther
    August 29, 2016 at 2:18 pm –

    Craft it all!!! ( :

  12. Julia M. H.
    August 29, 2016 at 1:13 pm –

    Please make the TV dinners!

  13. Julie
    August 29, 2016 at 12:53 pm –

    my daughter and I would love to craft this. We’ve gotten quite spoiled by the handmade food we’ve seen and crafted ourselves. I’m stumped how to create the trays-maybe cosmetic trays (I haven’t seen any that would be tall enough though).

  14. Mia & Mom
    August 29, 2016 at 12:02 pm –

    After making your doll pies during a recent heatwave, I can’t help but think that you could do a much better job than AG did on the food! We are especially excited to see your Melody crafts but what kid doesn’t like to make doll food?

    We could not find appropriate pie making beads in our house so we used clay that we shaped into fruit form for our pies. It worked really well and my daughter now treasures our homemade doll pies more than anything that we could have purchased from the store. The big joke around our house is that my husband thought that the pies were real when he first saw them and asked if he could eat one!

  15. Lydia P
    August 29, 2016 at 10:30 am –

    Yes, please craft it! This is SOOO cool! Thanks for the review!

  16. Kennedy .p
    August 29, 2016 at 10:16 am –

    Wishful thinking ………..please do make the TV dinners

    And could you maybe make the fridge thank you your AMAZING


  17. Awesome AG
    August 29, 2016 at 10:15 am –

    It would be cool if you crafted ice trays too!

  18. Awesome AG
    August 29, 2016 at 10:14 am –

    Yes! Please make a TV Dinner for the dolls. That would be so cool. Also, can u craft a fridge for the dolls because I can’t buy the fridge from American Girl. If Maryellen had a fridge to store her food, she would be so happy!

  19. Linda Reynolds
    August 29, 2016 at 4:46 am –

    Yes, please craft the tv dinners!!!! The Ham would be great too!! My dolls have lots of sweets, but no meat or veggies. They need some healthier food! Thank you so much for your blog, crafting for those of us that can’t afford all the high priced items. You are wonderful!

  20. Olive
    August 29, 2016 at 3:33 am –

    Yes! craft the tv dinners! ?

    Most crazily, ~Olive

  21. CarolB
    August 29, 2016 at 3:31 am –

    Thanks for the great review! My set is due to be delivered Wednesday & I can hardly wait. Our ice trays were just like that. Yes, please make TV dinners!

  22. Pat
    August 28, 2016 at 9:07 pm –

    Sick with envy! Lol,Someday maybe. It definitely is a must have. My Aunt Honey, in the nineteen sixties had a pink beach cottage with a pink refrigerator just like this! Everything in her kithchen was either pink, black or white, such great memories! Wow, if she could see this, she would buy it for me, iknow! Lol!

  23. Sharon
    August 28, 2016 at 8:26 pm –

    We did buy this at the AG store Thursday. I love it! You were absolutely right in your review. I loved that it was metal and mostly back to AG old standards! I loved the ice tray! That is exactly like the ones we had!! They worked great as long as the handle did not freeze down! My biggest complaint The Eggs, I could not believe they were connected and stuck in!!!!!! What were they thinking!!! My other complaint are the tv trays – they would have been metal and I really think that for the price they should have been. Overall I am really happy with it and believe it is a must have!! Sharon