NEW Lori by OG Mini Doll Line

Posted on Aug 8 2015 – 1:09am
by Rudy


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NEW Lori by OG Mini Doll Line


NEW Lori by OG Mini Doll Line

Our Generation has really stepped up their game lately.  Many of the new sets that have come out are much higher quality than ones in the past.  Most of the shoes are cute and can fit American Girl dolls, the scale of accessories is more accurate, and the quantity of new sets coming out is great!  I still think they could do better in the availability department.  OG, PLEASE make all of your wonder clothes, pets, accessory sets more available for the masses!  You have no idea what you are missing out on from the doll community!  We want it on the shelves or in stock online!  Anyways, enough begging OG for more.  Let’s get to the heart of this post.  OG has put out a new line!  It’s not technically new, but it is.  The mini doll line is no longer mini this or mini that.  Instead the mini doll line is now “LORI” by OG.  I say mini because that’s all I have seen so far in stores.  Who knows, maybe the “LORI” line will extend for 18″ dolls too.  We just don’t know yet since OG likes to put their new items out one at a time in random stores.  So far what I have seen in stores are new mini dolls with a whole new look to them.  They are also $11.99 instead of the previous price of $9.99. (Yes, those prices may vary by store/region) Something interesting that I noticed is that on the box it says, “Learn more about Lori and her friends at” However, isn’t a live website yet!  POOH.  Hopefully it will be up and running soon so we can check out the story for each doll and of course see the other fun stuff from the new line!  I did a video review below so you can see them up close.  Please feel free to comment below with questions you have!

Be sure to check out the NEW OG Roller Glamper and Convertible HERE

Dolls Found in the LORI Line(so far):

Lori By Our Generation


NEW Lori by OG Mini Doll Line Lori By Our Generation




Lori By Our Generation

HUGE shout out to my friend Ann who gave me the heads up on this new line spotted in Target!  Her picture below.

Lori By OG Glamper and mini doll

Watch & stay tuned for more from the LORI line coming soon!

NEW Lori by OG Mini Doll Line was last modified: March 21st, 2017 by Rudy

23 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. M.
    February 6, 2016 at 7:15 am –

    Got the Lori doll sooooooo cute! My store had all of them plus two ballerinas, but were out of Tamas.

  2. Kristen
    October 10, 2015 at 6:47 am –

    My niece is 7 & I’ve gotten her obsessed with AG but now I’m loving the Lori dolls even more. Went to Target last night & scored the glamper, convertable, the blonde doll and the red haired doll because my niece has red curly hair. And 2 outfits. I’m going to scour other Targets because the cashier congratulated me on the glamper saying they’re rare (his 10 y/o sister is obsessed with it!). You didn’t show the red haired doll – I’m wondering if it’s rare/newer/only in select stores? I’m in Boston with the luxury of many Target stores! I’ll keep my eyes peeled & post back if I find anything else.

    • Rudy
      October 10, 2015 at 11:32 am –

      My store didn’t have the red haired doll, however, I do have the old one. Same doll, different outfit.

  3. Lori Staggs
    October 4, 2015 at 6:15 pm –

    I am very confused as to why target has these dolls in their stores but not their website??? anyone know why? has anyone contacted target? I would like to buy for my granddaughter for christmas.

    • Rudy
      October 4, 2015 at 6:32 pm –

      Target doesn’t even know why there are items in their stores and not on their website. Our Generation is a really hard brand to follow and it’s hit or miss unfortunately.

  4. Mommytotwo
    September 26, 2015 at 5:51 pm –

    Jen, I saw the furniture at my local Target today, along with the ballet studio, which I purchased, the Glamper, Loft, Car, outfits, and dolls. I love this line!

  5. Jen
    September 13, 2015 at 7:45 pm –

    My daughter fell in love with the dollhouse at our local Target today. My husband and I are considering it as a Christmas gift for her, but the store did not have any furniture and I can’t find it on the Target website or Amazon. The Lori doll website is still not up. Does anyone know where I might be able to purchase furniture for the house?

  6. Mich
    August 29, 2015 at 3:45 pm –

    I bought the Glamper and two of the dolls at the Target in downtown Chicago (Tama and another one named Cyarra which comes in a ballerina outfit). They also had the dollhouse (super cute!) and a bunch of furniture pieces which I will probably get my daughter for Christmas.

  7. Trish
    August 27, 2015 at 6:32 am –

    I love the Glamper and car but cannot even locate these on the target website? Has anyone found these items? If so, where? I have a daughter who is dying to get them for Christmas so I have less than 4 months to find them….HELP!!

  8. Emily
    August 12, 2015 at 2:31 pm –

    What is their hair like? On the original OG mini dolls the hair is sparse in the middle and if you take it out of the pigtails it does not look like a full head of hair from the back.

  9. Dawn
    August 10, 2015 at 7:28 am –

    Thanks for the great videos. I really like the new dolls as well as the glamper and car. Am I seeing some variations in the vinyl tones on the dolls? So far my favorite is Tama. She has an Asian look to me, just lovely.

    You might like to see what I did with one of the first version OG minis. Her name is Ffyona Fairchild.

    • Rudy
      August 10, 2015 at 9:00 am –

      Yes, Tama does have an Asian look to her. The skin tones are different!

    • Rudy
      August 10, 2015 at 9:01 am –

      I love your fairy!

  10. BernittaandBella
    August 9, 2015 at 8:44 am –

    Thank you for sharing such great information.

  11. ??????
    August 9, 2015 at 5:56 am –

    I guess I just missed these I live in a small town so are closest target is in souix falls SD which is two hours away! I was there yesterday and finally saw the OG retro items the car is so expensive!

  12. Flo
    August 8, 2015 at 10:45 am –

    That camper is too cute!

  13. Linda Reynolds
    August 8, 2015 at 6:52 am –

    I do not have any of the OG mini dolls, but I do like them. I think they look better than the new AG mini’s. I have called OG to let them know that it is hard to find their products. They said they have no control of what products go to Target. They would like to have more in stock there. I called Target and they said just the opposite. ?????

    • Rudy
      August 8, 2015 at 7:53 am –

      I am really hoping for OG to branch off and give us a few free standing stores. That would solve a lot of our issues and be marvelous! I really like the OG mini dolls too. Be on the lookout for the older version to be on clearance. I found an entire endocarp at two stores where they were marked down to $2.98! Always scan to double check if it doesn’t say.

  14. Flo
    August 8, 2015 at 5:40 am –

    Are the eyes painted on or are they glass/plastic? They are really pretty dolls. I have heard a rumor about some accessories for these, but nothing more than rumor. Boo to the website not working!

    • Rudy
      August 8, 2015 at 7:51 am –

      The eyes haven’t changed, they are still glass! Much nicer than the mini AG! Also, no rumors here, there ARE accessories for these. I’m posting as soon as I can! And yeah, I cannot believe the dolls are out but the website isn’t ready for us to play with?!