The Hunger Games Book Set has been a highly requested series. A lot of American Girl Dolls want these books in their collection! And who can blame them? I myself love this series. This was a set that years ago I bought the first book, The Hunger Games, as a paperback and then a day later rushed out the buy the set in a hardcover copy. Yes, I am one of those. Soft cover first and then if I approve of the book, I will switch to hardcover. After all, I like to keep a nice library myself! Anyways, below you will find two sets of printables. One is closer to the size of the Dr. Seuss notebooks that I have mentioned over and over and the the other is a smaller version if your dolls don’t like that ebooks so big.
Do you own this series? Is it a favorite? What did you think of the books compared to the movies? Leave a comment below and we can have some fun talking about the Hunger Games! Personally, the first movie was SO shaky in the beginning that I was immediately disappointed. However, I am a big reader and I have to say that the movies (besides the shaky camera) were amazing. A movie can NEVER capture the entire book or the characters thoughts, but The Hunger Games did a great job for me. I have seen several movies that came from books and have been so let down before. I love the characters that were cast and I will be adding the trilogy to my movie collection also! Will you?