Doll Paper and Starbucks

Posted on Jun 11 2015 – 8:56am


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This craft was inspired by American Girl Ideas. I liked the idea of our doll having coffee and a paper on Sunday morning! I used the newspaper template from her site. I used Fun with AG Fan’s Starbucks technique @ . The supplies you need are clear small glasses, a straw, puffy paint in white and brown, a small Styrofoam ball, newspaper template, and glue. First print out you newspaper from I cut it out, folded it, and put a few pieces of real newspaper on the inside. I also glue it so it wouldn’t open. Then I cut the straw to fit inside the cup. Drizzle the brown puffy paint on the inside of the cup like chocolate syrup. Then pour white puffy paint on the inside about half way up, then put in the Styrofoam ball, and cover with white puffy paint. The Styrofoam ball gives the mound in the center of the cup like whip cream. Insert the straw along side the Styrofoam ball. Next drizzle some brown puffy paint on top. Allow to dry overnight. Then your dolls can read the Sunday paper and have coffee!

Brag By: Chrissy Tomalinas