American Girl Doll DVD Tutorial

Posted on Oct 9 2014 – 9:39pm
by Rudy


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American Girl DVDs

American Girl Doll DVD Tutorial

The TV stand is just too cute!  Who knew it was so easy?  If you missed the post on how to make it, go to American Girl TV Stand.  If you haven’t already thought of it yourself, you are going to kick yourself once you see it!

Now that I have my TV, I need some DVDs to go with it.  The girls need plenty of choices to choose from on movie night right?  I just need to make sure I have my pictures ready to change the scenes.

To make the DVD’s, it’s very simple.  Watch the video below or follow the easy steps given.

How to Make the American Girl TV Console

How to Make the American Girl TV

Materials Needed:

DVD Printables 1

DVD Printables 2

DVD Printables 3

DVD Printables 4


Black Foam Sheet

Packing Tape

American Girl DVDs

Step 1:

Cut out all of your printables and have them ready.

Step 2:

Cut the black foam sheet into 2 1/4 x 1 3/4 rectangles.  This will be your DVD case.

Step 3:

Have a piece of tape ready to use.  Wrap a DVD cover on the black foam rectangle.  You want the black edges to show a little bit, just like on a real DVD.  Place the tape around the center so it overlaps where it started.

American Girl Doll DVD Tutorial was last modified: March 21st, 2017 by Rudy

28 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Tracy
    December 2, 2016 at 6:31 am –

    Can you please tell me the measurements of the DVD covers. They are not printing right. Also would like to do some other movie covers. My granddaughters love nightmare before Christmas. Frankenweenie etc. I would love the size used so I can print some other covers. Thank you

  2. Keri Frandsen
    November 20, 2016 at 2:34 am –

    I would like to make DVD’s for the ones coming out. How can I do that? LIke Trolls, Moana. Would love one for Labrynth, Dark Crystal, ET for sure. THank you for your time.


  3. Smartie
    July 4, 2016 at 3:19 pm –

    You can’t paint your doll’s nails if you don’t want to ruin them! Da Durk!j

  4. Emma
    May 9, 2016 at 5:23 pm –

    Have you made a DVD player to go along with the DVDs?

  5. alyviah
    March 19, 2016 at 10:04 am –

    can you make a video on how to paint your american girl

    dolls nails

  6. Cate
    January 31, 2016 at 6:14 pm –

    Hi! your ideas are great! can you make some more printables for everday things. i liked the board game monoply you made. can you make more of those? i would also like if you could make a Tv DIY with cardboard and printables?

  7. carley
    January 30, 2016 at 5:08 pm –

    if you are on a laptop when you push it there will be a printer on the right and then select how many copies and it should work

  8. Sherry
    January 21, 2016 at 4:30 pm –

    I have been trying to print these DVDs and cannot get them to print. What can you suggest all it does is save and then I can’t open the file

  9. Kenzie
    January 19, 2016 at 12:50 pm –

    I did that craft yesterday and I found that tracing the printables on cardboard or foam works too ?

  10. Samantha
    November 7, 2015 at 7:29 am –

    How did you make the printables? I was hoping to make a few of my daughter’s favorite movies.

  11. Clara
    October 2, 2015 at 7:44 am –

    Rudy, thanks so much for the info. However I still can’t print them.

    I even had our IT guy try. We don’t have those directives when we open your document. Can you tell me what the scale is? Maybe I can get them to print that way. If not would you be willing to get them in another format so I can print or print them and mail them to me. I will pay for postage, paper and your time. Thanks so much.


  12. Clara
    October 1, 2015 at 8:06 am –

    Hey everyone and anyone. I’ve tried multiple times to print the DVD covers and each time they print to small. All the covers are on one page. How or what do I need to do to get them to print larger enough for the project?



    • Rudy
      October 1, 2015 at 2:52 pm –

      You need to go to your printer settings. In print preview click show details, and then click scale to fit, then select fill entire page. That will give you the full site of this print out.

  13. Lois
    September 30, 2015 at 6:49 pm –

    Thank you sooooooooo much for this tutorial, printouts, and info on the tv at Michael’s. I had sooooooo much fun making these for my granddaughter! I never could have created anything like this without your helpfulness. Many thanks for sharing your expertise!

  14. Cristin
    March 16, 2015 at 3:03 pm –

    Thank you so much for this fun tutorial (and all the DVD jackets) — we had a fun mom/daughter craft day this weekend thanks to you!

    • Rudy
      March 16, 2015 at 4:42 pm –

      So glad this helped with a fun mommy/daughter craft!

  15. Karen
    February 8, 2015 at 8:13 am –

    Hi, Rudy, great tutorial. When I did mine several months ago, I used shrink wrap plastic..left over from winterizing the windows, and it worked great. The girls love them!

  16. Robyn Lam
    January 21, 2015 at 6:53 pm –

    are you talking abt using a sheet of black foam,or is there black foam board somewhere?

  17. Linda
    January 11, 2015 at 4:21 pm –

    Allison, you could go through the sale papers and find a picture of a remote, cut it out and tape it to some black foam .

  18. Emma Walters
    January 2, 2015 at 7:29 am –

    so simple but cool!!

  19. Chrissy
    October 13, 2014 at 7:36 am –

    1 & 2 load as the same page for me.

    • Rudy
      October 13, 2014 at 9:22 am –

      So sorry about that! Thanks for pointing it out. You wouldn’t want to miss the first page, it has some good ones! It’s fixed now ?

      • Chark
        October 27, 2014 at 3:45 pm –

        (please do not reply my e-mail if u can see it) Love everything! I should try it out sometime. You are so creative! I wish I had a parent like that and I want a bigger house so I can add a doll house to it. Anyways, it was great! See you sometime RUDY

      • Allison
        December 18, 2014 at 8:20 am –

        Hey Rudy I am Allison can you make a Remote to go with the TV maybe with play and stop and skip buttons on it I think it would look really cool if you could find the time thanks