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About This Project:
We made these cafeteria lunches from the printables. We cut out the milk bottles, and added a coffee straw. We used orange paper and pipe cleaners for baby carrots. We used yellow paper for potato chips, and masking tape for the string cheese. We had magnets, and painted them with sprinkles – for Brownies. The sandwich is made from craft foam; poked holes with a skewer – then added green paper lettuce. We made a “lunch-line” with our CD stand (covered in craft sticks). We also added the extra items on the Cafeteria Shelves.
This was a great project to do on a rainy day! We made similar food for lunch , and “dined at the cafeteria”.
I am posting this on behalf of my Granddaughters: Madison, Emily & Alyssa – who are not yet 18 years old
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