Homemade Grace Bakery

Posted on Aug 29 2015 – 1:21pm


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About This Project:

I made this by spray painting a box with spray paint that I got from Walmart. The outside I painted red and the inside I painted blue. And the floor is painted white. Then I cut out the windows. Then I cut out two pieces of foam board that I got from Walmart. One for the roof and one for the bricks on the bottom. For the roof I just drew the tiles on it and for the bottom I printed out some brick patterns that I found on “myfroggystuff.blogspot.com” and glued them on with hot glue For the sign on the side I cut three pieces of beading wire. Hot glued them together and glued the sign on. And then I drew the design on the bakery. Also the things like the menu and the signs I created on the paint program except for the things I printed from this blog. The oven is a box covered in silver duck tape with a square hole cut in it. I covered the hole with clear packaging plastic. And the table is just a box covered with a cloth napkin. The set that my doll is using is from Amazon. The box measurements are 27″ inches wide and 20″ inches tall.One menu is in French and one is in English. I hope you like this!



Brag By: Rudy