I can’t believe it’s 2019! 2018 literally flew by so fast, I feel like I just made the 2018 Calendar printables. 2018 was a crazy, busy, fun year for us and we stayed focused on most of our goals.  If you are still here with us, thank you so much! Reading your positive comments really motivate me to create more to share! You may have noticed a decline in crafts, reviews, and videos in general from AGI. Trust me, we’re still here! We still love crafting and creating together it’s just gotten a little harder to balance DIY videos with all the new activities and sports we’ve started over the last few years. This year I really want to provide more crafts to share with everyone. As crazy as it sounds, I miss cutting foam board and struggling with doll size dimensions for hours on end! ? So, my New Years Resolution is produce more tutorials for the dolls! Please keep commenting and requesting crafts, I’m always reading what you write! Keep me motivated and on track with my goal!

Now, on to the 2019 Calendar. This year we have not one, not two, but THREE new calendar options to choose from! If you are like me, you’ll make all three. There’s always use for a calendar in the dollhouse! Instead of using my own photos this time, I reached out to the amazing AGIG community. If you didn’t know, that’s short for American Girl Instagram. The photos featured in all three calendars are from very talented people that share their beautiful work on Instagram. I am really proud of these calendars and the pictures in them are amazing! Of course, they all look much better on Instagram. Printing them on regular paper isn’t as good as the full resolution you would get on photo paper. So, please check out all the contributors on Instagram where you can see many more gorgeous doll photos!

*Please note, I received a lot of photos! I could not possibly use them all. I didn’t use ones with children in them and I got so many Holiday ones and those are really only good for December. So, I used as many as I could and that’s why I created two extra calendars.  Thank you so much for all the entries! They were all wonderful even if they didn’t make it into a calendar.


Materials Needed:

Square Calendar Option 1 Printables

Square Calendar Option 2 Printables

Portrait Calendar Printables

*IMPORTANT! You may have to change the Portrait Calendar settings in your print preview! Once you click print on the printable, open the print preview. If the printable looks tiny, not taking up the entire page, change the orientation from portrait to landscape. (I know, it seems backwards) Then, make sure the Scale to Fit option it checked along with the Print Entire Image. It will show 192%. At this point, the preview should look correct, taking up most of the paper as shown in my video.


Watch and tell us what craft you want us to make most this year!

DIY Doll Calendar for 2019 American Girl Dolls was last modified: January 11th, 2019 by Rudy

19 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

    1. KaBellaCupcakery2016
      January 26, 2019 at 10:20 am –

      Yes, Doll_Lover:) ,
      Rudy, you should totally make a Alexa!
      Please also make some Blaire crafts too!
      Please give a shout out to me at – KaBellacupcakery2016

    1. Gabbi
      January 24, 2019 at 9:23 am –

      Your kids are so cute!

    1. Loretta Houben
      January 20, 2019 at 4:17 pm –

      Rudy! You’re back!!!! Yippee!!!!
      I missed you and your crafts so much. Thanks for the darling calendars….I will go and print them out now.
      One of these days I just might begin using Instagram….I always forget it exists.

    1. Doll_Lover:)
      January 19, 2019 at 11:08 am –

      I love this calendar! Do you think that you can make an Amazon Alexa show (or Google)? I would love to add it to my dollhouse!

    1. Elentiya
      January 19, 2019 at 5:51 am –

      Hi Rudy, thank you so much for all the crafts. They’re really great! Please can you craft Blaire’s garden? And the chicken? My sister really wants the Silkie chicken from that set. And also please can you make doll rings? Thanks!

    1. AGIfan
      January 15, 2019 at 9:38 am –

      Hi Rudy! how do I change the calender to the correct size? I cant figure it out? please help!! it only prints out tiny

    1. 3AGDolls4ever
      January 14, 2019 at 5:40 pm –

      please check these out and if you get them do a review and give me a shout-out please ?

    1. Gabbi
      January 14, 2019 at 3:59 pm –

      Could you do some more videos with spot what does not belong?

    1. Gabbi
      January 14, 2019 at 3:35 pm –

      OMG Rudy, Adorable!!!! I love the Instagram pics!??????

    1. AGI_crafter
      January 13, 2019 at 11:29 am –

      I lov3 this craft and so do my dolls! It was super simple and I love that I can use it as a calendar too! Thx so much!

    1. AGI_lover
      January 13, 2019 at 11:26 am –

      To get to the cactus holder you just go type into the AGI search bar, cactus jewelry holder and it pops right up

    1. Jennifer
      January 12, 2019 at 1:56 pm –

      Please make some more of your doll Mac n cheese and potato salad, but instead of making the labels say “Georgia’s Hot Chicken” they could say “Pleasant View Farm” instead. That would be perfect for Blaire : )

    1. Abby
      January 12, 2019 at 1:53 pm –

      So excited to see more of your AMAZING crafts! I think it would be cool if you made more of your doll mac n cheese and potato salad, but instead of making the labels say “Georgia’s Hot Chicken” they could say “Pleasant View Farm.” That would be perfect for Blaire!

    1. KaBellaCupcakery2016
      January 12, 2019 at 10:06 am –

      On youtube it says that you posted a cactus jewelry holder and it’s not posted on your website? Only the 2019 calender? Do you know what the problem is?
      Thanks KaBellaCupcakery2016

    1. Carmen
      January 12, 2019 at 8:26 am –

      Personal favorite is definately Option Two, but they’re all so cool!

    1. Gabriela
      January 11, 2019 at 6:08 pm –


    1. AGIfan
      January 11, 2019 at 5:58 pm –

      OMG! they are so cute!! My best friend really liked the 2018 one and asked for another I’m so glad that I waited though!! She will love the new ones. Please make more mermaid, beachy, doll room stuff! Love your site! You are a awesome! Please make a lot more crafts! My dolls love all the diys I’ve made already from your site. Thank you for doing this blog. Keep on being the awesome you that you are!!

    1. Abby
      January 11, 2019 at 12:40 pm –

      So excited to see more of your AMAZING crafts! I think it would be cool if you made more of your doll Mac and cheese and potato salad, but instead of “Georgia’s Hot Chicken” labels you could make them with “Pleasant View Farm” labels!