This is my own idea. For this craft I used sticky back foam, Sculpey Oven Bake Clay, Mod Podge Dimensional Magic, white acrylic paint, and a small clear bowl. The first thing I did was make my blueberries from the clay. Simply roll small balls and score the tops with a tiny X . Then bake them according to the directions- mine was 15 mins. I then cut the foam in half and stuck the two sides together. Then I cut them into square cereal pieces. Next I mixed a small amount of white acrylic paint with the Mod Podge Dimensional magic for the milk. I then layered the blueberries, cereal, and milk together in the bowl. Then you have to let it dry. Mine took about 24 hours to dry completely because the milk was deep. Now you have a delicious and nutritious breakfast for your doll!
Delicious and nutritious breakfast for your doll!

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