American Girl has joined the fun for Black Friday.  Even though I’m sad that there are no dolls on sale, something is better than nothing right?!  Now through Cyber Monday the American Girl Store Black Friday deals are running. I did post a good deal on a 4 pack American Girl DVD set, but if you are looking for a specific movie, they are on sale for just $5 each with free shipping!

Also, Isabelle’s performance set is on sale for $8 off.  Remember, she is only available for a few more weeks.  If you want something of hers, now is the time to buy it.  Otherwise you will be browsing ebay with crazy inflated prices.

Isabelle’s Dance Case is $10 off making it just $34.  This is a fun set and I can say that because I have it.  If you have a dancer in your home, it will be loved!  Even if you do not have dancer, it’s a fun set!


Happy Shopping!

American Girl Store Black Friday was last modified: November 28th, 2014 by Rudy