American Girl Bookshelf

Posted on Jul 6 2014 – 8:25am
by Rudy


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American Girl Bookshelf

Now that you have those cute little American Girl Doll books, you need a place to store them.  Don’t let them just float around or they will get lost.  And then what will your doll read when she wants to relax on a rainy day?  This tutorial will solve all your book clutter problems.

Shopping list:

1 – 1/2’’ x 2’ x 4’  Plywood or MDF
Wood Glue
18 gauge 3/4’’ nails
Lightweight Spackle

Cut List:

2 – Sides – 1/2’’ @ 3’’ x 17’’ ( Boards need to be Dadoed – Refer to
2 – Top/Bottom Boards – 1/2’’ @ 3 1/2’’ x 9’’ 
1 – Back – 1/2’’ @ 17’’ x 9’’
3 – Shelves – 1×2’’ @ 8 1/2’’ x 3’’

Trim – I routered the trim to give it a fun look – I used 
leftover 3/8’’ thick wood.  I like to use leftover wood 
for trim because I feel like I am taking scraps and 
turing them into something.


Tape Measure
18 Gauge Nailer
Miter Saw or Circular Saw
Hearing Protection
Safety Glasses
Sanding Block

Step 1:

Dado the sides so the shelves can just slide into place.  Once they are dadoed, attach them to the top and bottom of the bookshelf by nailing into place.

Step 2:

Nail the back of the bookshelf into place.  It should fit perfectly into place.


Step 3:

Slide each shelf into the nooks that you already dadoed.


Your American Girl Bookshelf is now built.  You can sand it down and paint it with a fun color of your choice.  If you haven’t already made the books for your dolls, go to the American Girl Book Tutorial and make some!


American Girl Bookshelf was last modified: March 21st, 2017 by Rudy

3 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Mikayla
    March 11, 2015 at 7:09 am –

    Could you show how to make doll sized textbooks?