Our Generation Barn Dance & BBQ

Posted on Jul 11 2015 – 2:39pm
by Rudy


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Our Generation Barn Dance & BBQ

Our Generation sets from Target have always been a nice alternative to the expensive American Girl sets.  They have their pros AND their cons.  A lot of times the cons are that they are not always to scale.  Some items are a little small to scale and they look silly next to the dolls.  Also, when their sets come out it can be a hit or miss if your Target will even carry the item.  That’s always a bummer.  I for one am guilty of running all over town to three or four Targets just to find the set I want!  I did it with the Diner Set.  Target also doesn’t seem to want to please us doll lovers by offering all Our Generation sets online.  That’s the worst, especially for people who don’t live near a Target!  So, if you ever see a set in Target when you are there, grab it!  Chances are you will never see it again!  There are of course some pros to Our Generation.  First and probably most favorable is the cost!  They are a lot less costly than American Girl AND the sets usually give you your money’s worth!  Another pro is they often go on sale! I am a sucker for a good sale.

Here is one of the most recent sets I got from Target.  My store and surrounding stores didn’t carry it, so a dear friend found it at her store and sent it to me!  I am one lucky girl!  Here is the Our Generation Barn Dance & BBQ review.  Tell everyone what you think if you already have it! Give your own review in the comments below to help others decide if it’s worth it.

Some more cooking items:

American Girl Grill

American Girl Paper Towels

American Girl Paper Plates

American Girl Cups

Watch & Leave a comment with what you want me to replicate from this set!


Our Generation Barn Dance & BBQ was last modified: March 21st, 2017 by Rudy

9 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Kyndal
    July 14, 2015 at 4:36 pm –

    can you make an american girl doll fast food

  2. Aglvr
    July 11, 2015 at 6:27 pm –

    It looks SO cute! It reminds me of the AG slow cooker set. I’ll look for it in Target!

  3. Aglvr
    July 11, 2015 at 6:17 pm –

    If you have Doll Dinning it shows you how to make corn on the cob and other foods.

  4. Aglvr
    July 11, 2015 at 6:16 pm –

    Yes e-mail me too! Not like I’ll win or anything, BUT STILL!

  5. Christina
    July 11, 2015 at 6:15 pm –

    I would love to see you make the corn on the cob. I saw this set and thought it was cute. I did not buy it because my daughter wasn’t “in love” with it.

  6. Aglvr
    July 11, 2015 at 6:05 pm –

    Is that where yo got the snacks for the Bowling Alley snack bar? It’s cute!

  7. Isabella
    July 11, 2015 at 5:26 pm –

    I was wondering if you could make the grill, the drinks, and the bowl of chicken wings.

    P.S. I love your website so much and a lot of the stuff is around the house. So far i have made the sanitizing wipes and the paper towels! I love them! The next time you do a giveaway please email me!