DIY American Girl Doll Makeup Craft – Sephora Nail Polish, Tarte Shape Tape & Printables!

Posted on Mar 14 2020 – 12:18pm
by Rudy



DIY American Girl Doll Makeup Craft – Sephora Nail Polish, Tarte Shape Tape & Printables!

We have a Sephora store opening up in our area right down the road from us. I’m not much of a makeup girl, mostly because I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to makeup. I actually would glam up more if I didn’t end up looking ridiculous when I was done applying it. Maybe by having Sephora close I will improve my makeup skills. I do admire those who can flawlessly paint their faces. It’s an incredible talent.

Anyways, makeup is always requested in the doll world so here is a fun DIY with a few printables to go along with. As always there are several ways you can change up this craft and use other materials. So, if you don’t have what I used in the video, get creative! Most of the time you have exactly what you need hiding somewhere in the house!

Materials Needed:

Watch and craft away! Share the video if you want to see a Sephora Store with more printables!

DIY American Girl Doll Makeup Craft – Sephora Nail Polish, Tarte Shape Tape & Printables! was last modified: March 14th, 2020 by Rudy

14 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. lilly
    April 9, 2020 at 11:49 am –

    can you make yogert

  2. tinydancer
    April 4, 2020 at 7:56 pm –

    Can you make more bathroom supplies like bakery girl said. Or a tv? I’m also really into the hunger games books right now so is it possible for you to make a craft related to the hunger games? My doll lives in the og beach house and is needing more food and bathroom diys. Any requests?

    Also can you give me a shout out please.

  3. tinydancer
    April 4, 2020 at 7:52 pm –

    Can you make doll bathroom supplies like bakery girl said. Or a tv. My doll lives in the og beach house and is needing more food diys and bathroom supplies. Any requests?

  4. Cassie
    March 26, 2020 at 7:26 pm –

    These are soooo cool!! Were making then right now. Yes please please please make a sephora store!!!! That would be amazing. We love your crafts and printables. Please keep them coming ?

  5. Almaira
    March 26, 2020 at 5:25 pm –

    Hi you are cool

  6. jaimara
    March 25, 2020 at 9:57 am –

    well i’m not trying to be mean ally but she did a darn good job thank you very much

  7. Ally
    March 17, 2020 at 4:27 pm –

    B.T..w I am an amateur crafter myself and I think you could bake clay or get a tube straw (one of the big ones) and you could use that!

  8. Ally
    March 17, 2020 at 4:24 pm –

    Hi! I love your crafts they are so cute! one question though… Can you make a doll tv?

  9. Bakery Girl
    March 16, 2020 at 12:25 pm –

    A store would be so cute! This craft is adorable. Do you think you could make a Caboodle and more bathroom supplies? If. you do can you give Bakery Girl a shout out? I love your crafts so much, and have made a ton of them. I can’t possibly wait for more!

  10. Theawesomecrafter
    March 16, 2020 at 9:48 am –

    Hi! These crafts are so flippin adorable!!!!!!!!! I love the nail polish sooo cute and awesomely workable and those bags are so on point! One question though: I looked through my beading collection (I have a LOT) and there weren’t really any that resembled the diamond like figure. Is there any beads I could stack or anything else I could use for the tube? Any ideas?

  11. The Pink Creeper
    March 16, 2020 at 5:10 am –

    this craft is so cute! can you craft a hoodie for the wellie wishers?

  12. Abbie
    March 16, 2020 at 4:54 am –

    This is so cute! Yes! A Sephora Store would be great �

  13. Nicole
    March 15, 2020 at 1:37 pm –

    I love them! Can you please craft doll sized “slides” shoes?

  14. soocraftyagno1
    March 15, 2020 at 7:01 am –

    i love your videos please can you make american girl doll yogurts thanks A